Once again, I have had an amazing Christmas. The best part to me is family! Although this was the first year I have been without any grandparents, I still had the memories of them in my heart and plenty of family still surrounding me. Christmas Eve is spent with the DH's family, which is much bigger than mine. We have a great time with them, but being around my family is so much different...we are all a little more goofy and there is much more laughter and silliness. Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love celebrating the birth of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I feel like everyone is so full of joy and happiness this time of year. It really is a magical time to me. I am very blessed, and I thank God for his ultimate sacrifice.
So, here is a list of the goodies I received for Christmas...DH bought me a new digital camera that I picked out (Nikon P90-point and shoot with all the manual settings of a SLR camera), an extra battery and a camera bag along with a few other little things. My parents bought me 10, yes I said ten, Cricut Cartridges and some 3-D pens!!! They got me some of the cartridges that were on my wish list that I just wouldn't buy on my own. Mom also got me this really gorgeous basket; it is a root carving...made from the root of a Chinese Fir Tree. It is very interesting and unique; I just love it. Then my Aunt and Uncle surprised me with an Olympus E-600 (a Digital SLR camera)!!!! I was floored!!! So now I have to pick up my game and learn how to use it LOL. My choosing the P90 was to help with that because it had all the manual settings like a SLR, but not the lenses and quality of a SLR. I am truly blessed to have the family I have.
I thought I would share with you one of our goofy Christmas traditions. My Aunt started getting these funny hats from her sister quite a few years ago and so she brings them out and we all have a good time trying them on and getting pictures. We spend a good half hour belly laughing at these and how everyone looks with them on. Here are a couple of pics of our posing with the hats...

I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and I wish you the very best of New Years.